lundi 25 mars 2013


Freezing air rolling around the neck
Glacial breath running inside the lungs
Cold chills surrounding the skin
Frosty embrace locking the legs

You never see them coming underneath the shadows
You never smell their wrath when they arrive
You never hear them calling revenge
You never touch their icy arms

Roaming endlessly
Screaming calmly
Scaring savagely
Wrapping delicately

They float between dead memories
Summoning arctic illusions
They roam between forgotten tombs
Weeping crystal tears

In the gloomy nights they wander
Searching for their lost souls
In the foggy realms they twirl
Celebrating their ghostly lives …

dimanche 3 mars 2013


Poème dédié aux sirènes ...

Vengeresses bénies des eaux
Les hommes désirent et perdent
Se jetant d’en haut et finissant en lambeaux
Chevelures bleues auxquelles personne ne cède

 Ecailles au travers les jambes
Fortes et suaves au gré des vagues
Dénudées sous la lune dissimulant des dagues
Chants des récifs et violes de gambe
Rochers mouvants et rivages désertiques
Les âmes baignes et les os flottent
Au fond des mers des parures squelettiques
Omises sans remords non pas par leur faute

Lumière océanique et profondeurs marines
Elles voguent au milieu des eaux stagnantes
Traversent les torrents et vengent les signes
Indéfiniment sirènes pour ceux qu’elles enchantent …

English translation : 

Vengeful ones blessed by water
Men want and lose
Jumping off and ending up in tatters
Blue-haired creatures to whom none can say no

Scales through the legs
Strong and sweet following the waves
Naked hiding daggers under the moon
Songs of reefs and viols

Moving rocks and desert shores
Souls bathe and bones float
Skeletal ornaments underneath the seabed
Omitted without remorse was not their fault

Ocean light and deep sea
They float in the middle of stagnant water
Cross and revenge the torrents signs
Indefinitely sirens for those they delight ...