jeudi 19 septembre 2013

Hecate : God Suggestion for Smite

**Pantheon:** Greek
**Type:** Ranged, Magical
**Role:** Mage
**Pros:** High Area Damage / High Single Damage / High Mobility
**Cons:** Low sustain

**Lore:** Daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria, Hecate is a very mysterious goddess who operates discreetly deep down inside the caverns og the Underworld where she lives.
After the Titanomachy that opposed the Olympian gods to the Titans, Zeus, the supreme new god allowed Hecate to keep her sovereignity over earth, sea and heaven. Her talents were so powerful and varied that he couldn't get rid of such a reliable ally.
As a deity of the night and moon ( along with Selene and Artemis ), Hecate  is usually accompanied by ghosts and black hounds as she goes up to the surface at nightfall to assist witches and sorcerers to accomplish rituals and spells. Shrines are erected to her honor near crossroads because that's where she's supposed to show up when she rises from the abysses. Sacrifices are also performed there.
Hecate has always been the helping hand and the hidden force that nobody knows quite well but this time, she's ready to shine and be the manifestation of both nature and ancient magical crafts...

**Appearance:** Hecate is a beautiful dark-haired goddess. She wears a long purple tight dress that shows her womanly assets. A headband and a waistband are both worn and highlighted by a black crystal jewel on the top. She floats in the air and leaves a black steam behind as she walks.


**Basic attack:** Hecate uses no weapon. She only holds a crystal black ball on her left hand that shines whenever she throws a purple lightning bolt.

*Passive:* ** Dark Deviation:** When Hecate takes damage, she sends it back to the enemy (10% physical damage, 20 % magical and elemental damages) and uses it to increase her speed attack and magical power.

**1-Black Magic:** Hecate fires a ray of negative energy that passes through her enemies causing damages as long as she holds the attack. The ability drains her mana though.

**2-The Witch’s Embrace:**  Hecate charms an enemy making him an ally for  5 seconds .The higher the level gets, the longer the duration of the spell lasts.

**3-Ghostly Crossroads:** Ghosts emerge from the ground tormenting enemies and leading them to head off to a random direction.

*Ultimate:* **Deluge:** As she rises above the shaking ground, Hecate summons around herself twirling dark winds that extremely slow enemies down and as she lands, a tidal dark wave strikes and stuns them dealing damage.

mercredi 1 mai 2013

Coco Rocha

Edgy, original and daring... COCO ROCHA...

Née au Canada en 1988, Coco Rocha ne savait pas qu'elle deviendrait l'un des mannequins les plus célèbres au monde. Passionnée par la danse traditionnelle irlandaise, elle fut repérée par le directeur de l'agence de mannequin Vancouver, Charles Stuart avec lequel elle signa un contrat alors qu'elle n'avait que 15 ans. Son charisme indéniable l'a hissée parmi le rang de celles qui participent régulièrement à la Fashion Week New-Yorkaise pour des marques de renommée internationale telles que "Louis Vuitton" ou "Stella MCcartney".
Faisant les couvertures de "Vogue" et de "Elle", Coco devint une icône à vitesse grand V. Choisie pour des campagnes de pub pour "YSL" , "Chanel" ou "Calvin Klein", son attitude "décalée" opère comme un charme là où elle passe...

Born in Canada in 1988, Coco Rocha did not know she would become one of the world's most famous models. Passioned by traditional Irish dance, she was spotted by the director of the modeling agency Vancouver, Charles Stuart, with whom she signed a contract when she was only 15. Her charisma led to be one of those who regularly participate in the New York Fashion Week for international brands such as "Louis Vuitton" or "Stella McCartney."
Making covers of "Vogue" and "Elle", Coco became an icon at a speed of light. Shooting advertising campaigns for "YSL", "Chanel" or "Calvin Klein", her "outside the box" attitude works like a charm wherever she goes ...

AMAZING Album Artworks

This is a selection of what I consider inspiring pieces of art. Enjoy!

lundi 25 mars 2013


Freezing air rolling around the neck
Glacial breath running inside the lungs
Cold chills surrounding the skin
Frosty embrace locking the legs

You never see them coming underneath the shadows
You never smell their wrath when they arrive
You never hear them calling revenge
You never touch their icy arms

Roaming endlessly
Screaming calmly
Scaring savagely
Wrapping delicately

They float between dead memories
Summoning arctic illusions
They roam between forgotten tombs
Weeping crystal tears

In the gloomy nights they wander
Searching for their lost souls
In the foggy realms they twirl
Celebrating their ghostly lives …

dimanche 3 mars 2013


Poème dédié aux sirènes ...

Vengeresses bénies des eaux
Les hommes désirent et perdent
Se jetant d’en haut et finissant en lambeaux
Chevelures bleues auxquelles personne ne cède

 Ecailles au travers les jambes
Fortes et suaves au gré des vagues
Dénudées sous la lune dissimulant des dagues
Chants des récifs et violes de gambe
Rochers mouvants et rivages désertiques
Les âmes baignes et les os flottent
Au fond des mers des parures squelettiques
Omises sans remords non pas par leur faute

Lumière océanique et profondeurs marines
Elles voguent au milieu des eaux stagnantes
Traversent les torrents et vengent les signes
Indéfiniment sirènes pour ceux qu’elles enchantent …

English translation : 

Vengeful ones blessed by water
Men want and lose
Jumping off and ending up in tatters
Blue-haired creatures to whom none can say no

Scales through the legs
Strong and sweet following the waves
Naked hiding daggers under the moon
Songs of reefs and viols

Moving rocks and desert shores
Souls bathe and bones float
Skeletal ornaments underneath the seabed
Omitted without remorse was not their fault

Ocean light and deep sea
They float in the middle of stagnant water
Cross and revenge the torrents signs
Indefinitely sirens for those they delight ...

vendredi 25 janvier 2013

The Black Curse

Black sun rising above my head
I demand the bravery of the old legions
May my words reach out the fallen angels
And arouse the bloodiest succubs of this realm

I the great priest of the seventh door of dawn
I summon the shades and the violet fog
Let them feed me with fear, gloom and malice
Let them bring me power to cast my spell

Clouds surrounding my astral doppelganger
I ask for your might and your wisdom
To help me finish my enchanted trap
And spread my power among the wicked minds

Dark ones living beyond the veil of the dead
I grant you the evil inhabiting the human heart
Look at the envy devouring its beating veins
May this sacrifice spare the enlightened ones

I cast the black curse upon these high buildings
They murdered my earth’s creatures
And slaughtered my fragile flowers
From now on blindness will be their only companion …

mercredi 23 janvier 2013

Kohib : Make Fire

Kohib : Øivind Sjøvoll est un musicien norvégien spécialisé dans la musique électro, house, downtempo et le jazz.
Voici un artwork d'album minimaliste et ingénieux. Je me demande pourquoi les couvertures d'albums les plus réussies son celles de la musique Eléctro? les artistes Pop n'aiment pas les graphismes ? Plaquer une photo et ajouter un titre c'est pas un peu narcissique ???

Il faut dire que "Make Fire" utilise une illustration simple représentant une flamme avec des effets de pixels. Les tons du jaune virant vers l'orangé sur un fond noir ainsi que l'utilisation d'une typographie sans empattements à différentes graisses finalisent la composition centrée. L'emplacement de la police à droite projette un dynamisme et casse la symétrie très dense de l'artwork. On pourrait facilement sentir la vague Eléctro qui se dégage de la couverture grâce à l'univers sombre qui rappelle les clubs underground et la nature très "space" de l'illustration qui symbolise la technologie vu l'effet de pixellisation. " Crée le feu " est un titre qui fait allusion à cette action primaire de l'homme à créer le feu mais la touche électro lui donne un autre sens, un autre fonctionnement et une autre manière d'allumer ce feu...

L'album remixé donne tout un autre esprit à l'artwork originel, en effet, un changement chromatique composé à partir des tons du bleu, dégage une ambiance froide et glaciale. L'illustration du feu peut à présent être assimilée à un " feu givrant" ou plus probablement à un flocon de neige stylisé. Le dégradé très fin de bleu sur le fond noir fait émaner une sorte d'aura qui s'étend au-delà des limites de la couverture. On pourrait comprendre que les remixes de cet album sont allés au delà des espérances et ont permis aux morceaux originaux d'entrer dans une autre dimension qui est à l'opposé de celle dans laquelle ils y étaient ( le changement colorimétrique radical). 
Les deux albums sont magnifiquement réalisés et personnellement j'envie le graphiste qui a donné naissance à cette ambiance planante...

samedi 19 janvier 2013

Etro Spring / Summer 2013

This collection is pure imagination. Based on a spiritual image that is materialized by technology, the oufits are the ultimate representation of movement, transformation and bloom of colors. As it has been said on, this men's wear collection is "Extracted Art", which means the concept is extracted from the artist's mind and translated into patterns and specfic fabrics that embody this spiritual theme. Graphics combined to different nuances of the same color plus a smart styling deliver a high level of a fashion ideology. Even if most of the clothes are suits, we can see that the heaviness does not appear, loose and soft outfits replace the classical serious suits. The use of silk and wonderful patterns make the collection as floating and airy as the realms of the spirit and that's why we can feel the indian influence especially when we see the turban. Etro men’s wear is for men who really appreciate ethnicity, comfort and eccentricity …

Each look is associated to an image : 

The music of the runway show definitely illustrates the " modern psychedelic" concept of the collection. Watch it on this video below :