vendredi 18 janvier 2013

Dark Graphic Design By Frederic Melby

Today I'm showing you a graphic design style inspired by "Darkness". The black & white mixed to shades of grey with the use of photography or illustration delivers a powerful and unique design that may intrigue and even scare some people. From fashion editorial to artworks, Fredric Melby who's norwegian, expresses a precise point of view concerning the design approach...Like it or not but it's DIVINE !
Here's the designer's page :

Aujourd'hui, je vous montre un style graphique inspiré de "L'obscurité". Le noir et blanc mélangé à des tons de gris avec l'utilisation de la photographie ou de l'illustration offre un design unique et puissant qui peut intriguer et même effrayer certaines personnes. De la mode éditoriale aux œuvres d'art, Fredric Melby qui est norvégien, exprime un point de vue précis concernant l'approche du design ... Qu'on le veuille ou non, c'est DIVIN!
Voici l'adresse web du designer :

Artwork for the sophomore album from Jori Hulkkonen and Jerry Valuri entitled "Change is Gradual" + 3 remix ep's.

Design: Martin Yang Stousland & Fredrik Melby
Illustration: Peter-John Devilliers

Fashion editorial for Sva magazine entitled "Dead Is Dead".

Art Direction by: Fredrik Melby & Kjetil Wold.
Design by Fredrik Melby.
Photography by Marius Tharaldsen.
Styling by Kjersti Andreassen.
Hair by Birger Løkeng.
Make Up by Birgitte Magnussen.
Models are Liva Klingen & Hands Marius Midtgarden.

Artwork for "In The Dead Of Night" by the electronica duo Godøy & Watn.

Manhattan Skyline - "Curses" Poster

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