dimanche 13 janvier 2013

Sidi Bou Said, hear my plea...

This poem is dedicated to Sidi Bou Said a tunisian saint whose mausoleum has been burnt by islamists...

Blue saint standing over our glorious cliff
Hear my plea in these dark times
Evil has arrived with blades malicious and stiff
Look upon my heart and chase the shades

Great warrior glowing among the stars
Bless us with your hand of greatness and water
Send your celestial waves and heal our scars
We are not afraid of the coming slaughter

We call upon the creatures of the sea
To battle on our side and defeat the foe
Tides, shores and sands come to us and see
The infamous souls drowning deeply into their sorrow

Blue saint haunting the village underneath the clouds
Hear my plea in these bloody times
Wash away the black dirt of these hounds
Bathe your people in a sacred stream of pearls and shells …

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